Every morning we wake up hopeful that we've gotten an email from the US Embassy.  The email could say we are cleared to pick up our daughter.  It could say that they would like to interview her great-aunt.  Or it could say a number of other things that we can't anticipate.

Every night we go to bed hopeful that tomorrow will be THE day.  The day we finally know what the final step will be.  And every morning we wake to.... nothing.

No news.  No email.  Nothing.  

So we're miserable.  All day.  And then we go to bed hopeful again.

And wake up to... nothing.

And in between we're going to work and VBS and talking to friends and trying to live.  

It's hard though.  To live here, when our hearts are there.

So we're coming up with a plan.  A little strategy to take control of the small pieces we can control.  The day that we finally get this email from the Embassy we will be able to make our final decision.  

If we're cleared, then PRAISE THE LORD we'll be on a plane immediately to pick up our girl.  But trust me when I say, our case will not be cleared at this point without anything short of a miracle from God, Himself.  

If the email says that they have scheduled an interview with her great-aunt Aberash and the interview is a more than a week away, then we will book plane tickets to arrive in Ethiopia before her interview.  That way we can be there to see Aberash again and we can be together in Ethiopia with our daughter.  And... we will take River with us.

The US Embassy could have another plan.  Something we can't predict.  And if that is the case we'll deal with it when the time comes.  

Please pray with us that we are either cleared or they have scheduled an interview with Aberash.  Please pray that we get that email tomorrow morning.  

Friday will be six months since the day we received our referral.  Three months since the day we passed court.  Almost 29 months since we were accepted into the AWAA Ethiopia program.  As far as we know, there has only ever been one other AWAA family who has been in the program longer than we have.  We have broken the record.  

Please pray for us that it is over soon.  People in the government and people at our agency have made mistakes and have slowed us down.  Only God can finish this for us quickly.  Please pray that He has mercy on us and ends this now.  
7/18/2012 12:15:57 pm

I saw your message on the YG this afternoon. I'm praying that you will have good news...quickly!

While I was reading your post, Psalm 5:3 popped to mind...In the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly.

I wrote your names on the mirror in our bathroom with a dry erase marker. Larry and I will be praying...and waiting expectantly.

(maybe someday in the future, you can encourage us and do the same!)

Robyn Davidson
7/18/2012 11:37:37 pm

I'm just catching up again and cannot believe you are still waiting!! I know how you're feeling and how hard it is to continually feel so disappointed. I had a few flashbacks reading through your post. I'll pray that your ride on this roller coaster is over soon. I know it seems impossible, but you'll barely remember these days soon. It's true :)


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