There's a town in northern Ethiopia called Lalibela. In this town are 11 "rock-hewn" churches. These churches are monolithic, meaning they are made from a single block of stone. They are usually hewn into the ground or into the side of a hill or mountain. Most of these were created in the 12th century.

This is a view looking down at the Church of Saint George.
(The same church is shown above from a different angle.)
We would love to take time during one of our trips to Ethiopia to see these stunning architectural masterpieces.

Angi Cooper
5/25/2011 02:19:39 pm

We want to go too! Maybe we can travel there one day???

5/25/2011 08:18:08 pm

Wow....that is fascinating .... I have never heard about these structures. So interesting and it was nice to find you blog.

6/1/2011 01:59:29 am

Those look amazing! So many thing I want to see when we go. :)


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