We are slowly making progress moving all of these diapers from our front porch to the orphanages in Ethiopia.  We've had several great volunteer families willing to pack our diapers and covers and take them with them when they travel to Ethiopia in March.  Here is a picture of all of the space bagged diapers and covers that we are mailing off just this week. 
With each bag of diapers and covers we are sending a laminated instruction sheet.  The instructions are just five pictures (no words) of how to use the cloth diaper with the cover.  That way the instructions can be followed by anyone without any translation and hopefully, being laminated, they will last a long time.

All of our diaper-cover-making packets have been taken from our church and many have already been returned!  We still have 6 or 7 packets that I will take out this Sunday (unless I hear from someone who wants them first).  I actually made some covers all by myself this week and I only have a BASIC knowledge of sewing.  If you don't live in our area I can email you the instructions and pattern.  The instructions are very easy to follow.

I hope that when it is our turn to travel to Ethiopia we see some of these diaper covers actually in use!  With all of the resources we have here, there is no reason that a baby in Ethiopia should be without any diaper at all.  Yet, this is the reality for most babies in orphanages.  We hope to supply the orphanages that AWAA uses with enough diapers and covers that they no longer have a problem.  But there are many, many more orphanages and many more babies.  Hopefully we can get enough covers and enough diapers sent over that our orphanages can share with others in need. 

Thank you Lori for helping us get started and donating so much of your own time and talent to our cause.  And thank you to all of the women in Greene County who have already taken these packets and made our covers!  We can't thank you enough.  And thank you to Brittony for your generous and much needed donation!  (Some of your space bags are already in the mail!) 

So if you would like a packet or instructions let me know!  Also, if you would like to donate to our cause, so that we can continue making these covers, you can use our donate button on the side.  Just specify that the donation is for diaper covers. 

2/5/2011 12:48:26 pm

Just made my first 2 diaper covers- not too hard at all. :) I had fun. Love that you included picture directions! Thanks for all your hard work :) Can't wait to go to Ethiopia and see the kids in these :)

2/6/2011 12:36:53 am

So glad to see them going to Ethiopia for those sweet babies!! :) :) :)

2/6/2011 01:41:39 am

I will make some if you still have packets! :)

2/7/2011 03:02:50 am

All of the packets have been taken from the church! YAY! I only have 6 or 7 covers at home that have a horribly ugly fabric outside and mint green PUL inside. They are going to be so hideous that I just couldn't ask anyone else to make them! HA HA I am so glad that all of the cover packets are out and are being sewn. This has been such a successful project! : )

2/7/2011 05:30:39 am

Hey Brandy! I happened to see you make a comment on Jody Bosman's blog, so I followed you to your blog:) It's soo great connecting a face with a name:) LOVE the name of your son, River. Oh soo cool! Your tshirt should be here today (sorry for the delay! This winter storm has put a major wrench in delivery) So, I'll mail them out first thing tomorrow, as long as they are able to get it to me today:) Praying that you receive your referral very soon:) Blessings, Katie myfourwords.blogspot.com

3/5/2011 08:46:34 am

Hello! I am brand new to your blog, but I, too, am collecting cloth diapers for ET.. and I was JUST thinking that an instruction sheet for pre-folds/snappi's/covers would be a great idea, but I had not been able to find one that seemed simple enough. Would you mind sending it to me?


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